
Indigenous Peoples

This joint project plans to promote local action on climate change adaptation at scale in Bangladesh. It was developed as a concept by the European Union (EU) in consultation with UNDP-UNCDF and Local Government Division (LGD) of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (MoLGRD&C), Bangladesh. The action was initially designed as a single donor action titled “GCCA+ support for enhancing communities’ resilience to climate change and related disasters” which was approved in 2015 by the EU. In 2015, Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) learned about this project from the EU and subsequently discussed with UNDP and UNCDF to explore possibilities of partnership. Since then the project has evolved as a multi-donor action and aiming to make this project a flagship action for building local resilience, the Government of Bangladesh approved it as “Local Government Initiative on Climate change” (LoGIC) based on the EU approved action document and following UNDG’s Joint Project Document Framework. This project is implemented by UNDP and UNCDF and executed by LGD. The project will address climate change impact in Bangladesh. The country is ranked sixth among the 10 countries of the world most affected by climate change and disasters. It is experiencing change in rainfall, rise in temperature, and is often battered by extreme weather events like cyclones, floods and rise in sea level which compound into raised salinity of water resources and soil. A government estimate indicates that in five major disasters since 1998, the country suffered a loss of nearly 15% of GDP. These events exacerbate poverty and vulnerability of people on a regular basis.

Mainstreaming Gender:

Environment & Social Safeguards

Local Development Plan/ Local Development Scheme Information

Part A. Integrating Overarching Principles to Strengthen Social and Environmental Sustainability:

Part B. Identifying and Managing Social and Environmental Risks:

Final Sign Off:

SESP Attachment 1. Social and Environmental Risk Screening Checklist: